Cid Adalah Olahraga

Cid Adalah Olahraga

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PERTAMINA contributed to support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Community Involvement & Development (CID) program.  The implementation of CSR/CID program, both in Holding and Sub-holding areas, are aligned with the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles.

PERTAMINA carries out CID   program through activities integrated with business strategies and benefits the operating areas and affected areas, using the approach for risk mitigation, shared values, and sustainability aspect. The planning of CID program is meticulously considered to create a sustainable future and bring positive impacts in various aspects to improve the quality of life of the communities.

PERTAMINA collaborated with various stakeholders to develop the local growth through community empowerment, encourage the development of new and renewable energy, preserving a green environment and biodiversity conservation. We manage the CID in accordance with ISO 26000 Social Responsibility.

Program Desa Energi Berdikari (Independent Energy Village Program) provides the new and renewable energy (NRE) with local empowerment in 47 areas. Through this program, the communities have access to the affordable and clean energy.

Biodiversity Program of PERTAMINA is aimed at protecting the endemic fauna and flora that are origins from Indonesia, especially those that have been listed as protected species. PERTAMINA has preserved 800.000 endemic animal species, mostly those in critical status and conservation of 4.170.276 endemic plant species and fauna across the archipelago.

PERTAMINA has commitment to advancing the nation’s education. Pertamina conducts several educational programs, such as the early childhood education, elementary schools and secondary education, as well as higher education. Moreover, PERTAMINA also organizes a series of vocational education to generate competent talents for employment.

Enduro Entrepreneurship Program (EEP) is one of the Corporate Shared Value (CSV) implemented by the company. As of 2022, this program has encouraged 209 youths to be entrepreneurs in automotive workshops and promoting PERTAMINA products.

PERTAMINA CID program conducted through community empowerment hold the objective of improving the community’s welfare, by encouraging the formation and growth of the small local business. PERTAMINA fostered Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) through the Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) Funding Program to be upskilled MSEs.

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